Bwindi impenetrable National Park


Bwindi National Park

Located in southwestern Uganda, Bwindi National Park is a remarkable haven of nature's wonders. Covering about 321 square kilometers, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is famous for its thick, ancient rainforest and is home to endangered mountain gorillas.

The park got its name, "Bwindi," because of its dense and hard-to-travel-through forest. It's a crucial place for wildlife, especially mountain gorillas. Nearly half of the world's remaining mountain gorilla population lives here. Visitors can join guided tours to see these amazing creatures up close in their natural home.

Apart from gorilla tours, visitors can enjoy guided walks in nature, go birdwatching, or learn about the local Batwa community's culture. These activities offer insights into the park's importance to nature and its connection to the people who live nearby.

Safari Activities in Bwindi National Park

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Bwindi National Park in Pictures

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