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hot springs in semuliki national park

Hot springs in Semuliki

Hot springs in Semuliki

The Semuliki hot springs are a major attraction to various visitors to Semuliki national park. The Bamba people use them for rituals as they communicate to their gods for blessings and protection. The walk to the male (named Bintente) and female (Nyasimbe) hot springs take you through the forest where you watch red-tailed monkeys, grey-cheekedmangabey, and black-and-white colobus monkeys jumping from tree branches in search of food. The ‘female’ hot springs have a boiling fountain at over 1000C. Often you have an opportunity to cook plantains and eggs in the boiling waters and consume them as you continue your trekking journey.

Hot springs in Semuliki

Sempaya nature trail –This trail leads you to the Sempaya hot springs. The walk is through a patch of forest where you most likely to encounter black-and-white colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys and grey-cheeked mangabey. Along the trail to the male hot springs, you pass tree house where you view the abundant birdlife and beautiful

The Sempaya Hot springs
The Sempaya Hot springs are found in Semuliki National park in western Uganda. These amazing springs have high temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius. The force, strength and hotness of this springs show the strength of the geographical forces underground.


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